Felix Carroll

  • What Materials Work Best for CNC Laser Cutting?

    CNC laser cutting is a cutting-edge technology that has revolutionised the manufacturing industry. Known for its high precision, accuracy and speed, CNC laser cutting has become the go-to method for cutting a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics and composites. However, not all materials are suitable for this cutting process. This article will explore the best materials to use for CNC laser cutting. Metals:  Metals are the most commonly used materials in CNC laser cutting.
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  • Why You'll Love Having a Concrete Floor Coating on Your Garage Floor

    Ever thought about the power of a concrete floor coating for your garage? If you haven't, you're in for a treat! This stuff isn't just any old product. It's a game-changer for garages everywhere. The Magic of a Concrete Floor Coating So, what's so great about this stuff? Well, here's the scoop: It's Tough as Nails Concrete floor coatings are designed to be super durable. They can handle the weight of your car, resist stains from oil and other fluids, and stand up to all sorts of wear and other damages.
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  • Structural Steel Welding in Industrial Construction: An Introduction

    Structural steel welding plays a crucial role in industrial construction, providing the backbone for sturdy and durable structures. From towering skyscrapers to massive bridges, the art of welding structural steel brings these impressive projects to life. This blog post explores the significance of structural steel welding in industrial construction. Ensuring Strength and Stability Structural steel welding serves as the foundation for constructing robust industrial structures. By fusing steel components together, welders create joints that offer exceptional strength and stability.
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  • 5 Tips to Keep Your Belt Pulley Systems Running Smoothly

    If you're a plant operator, you know how important it is to maintain your belt pulley systems. Not only can a poorly maintained system lead to decreased productivity, but it can also cause your equipment to break down and even lead to costly repairs. This blog post provides five tips for properly maintaining your belt pulley systems. 1. Check for Damaged Belts Regularly check for any signs of damage or wear on the belts in your system.
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  • Crucial Things You Should Know About Formatubes and their Applications

    Columns are one of the inventions that revolutionized the construction industry. Previously, the only way to build and sustain structures that could bear heavy loads was by designing thick walls to support them. Columns made it possible to have thinner walls and expansive floor space. However, the process still led to contractors spending days creating forms to pour the concrete and create the columns. However, formatubes have eliminated the need for those complex processes.
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  • How To Gain An Upper Hand Over Your Competition In The Structural Steel Fabrication Industry

    One of the most specialised trades that require a wealth of experience to perfect is structural steel fabrication. While there is never any shortage of highly skilled fabricators in the industry, even the most seasoned professionals might find the overcrowded market challenging to break into and succeed. As a structural steel fabricator ready to have an upper advantage over your competition, you must consider four crucial aspects. Read on to learn about them.
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  • Why Uptime Is Everything in an Industrial Operation

    If you run an industrial operation and supply various customers, you must realise that consistency is everything. After all, if you want those customers to keep coming back to you and ordering your products without question, you cannot afford to have any unexpected interruptions to process. So why is it so important that you pay attention to maintenance and take care of any repairs as soon as possible? And why do you need reliable partners in this game?
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  • A Few Construction Industry Business Types That Use Sheet Metal Fabrication

    Many construction professionals work with sheet metal fabrication companies for help with running their businesses. Some construction companies even purchase their own equipment so they can work with sheet metal. In fact, you might be surprised by the different types of construction businesses that regularly work with sheet metal, whether they handle the fabrication part themselves or with the help of a metalworking business. These are just a few examples of some of the different business types.
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  • Industrial Boilers: Understanding and Preventing Common Problems

    Boiler problems can lead to extensive losses for your business. In general, a failed boiler will cause significant downtime in normal activities, reducing the profit margins. Also, the repair costs for a boiler can be high. Additionally, the damaged boiler could result in injuries within the premises. Therefore, if you have installed this piece of equipment in your industrial premises, you should monitor for common problems and plan for prevention and repair.
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  • Top Mistakes You Should Not Make When Installing Sneeze Shields in Your Restaurant

    If you're a restaurant owner who is interested in health, cleanliness, and safety in your restaurant, then you might be thinking about installing sneeze shields. If this is something that you are hoping to do, then you should make sure that you do it the right way. Installing sneeze shields should be pretty easy, but you will want to be careful and be sure that you avoid the following mistakes when tackling this installation.
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